How can you pair the camera and the monitor (screen)?
The features of the Arenti APP -- AInanny
What functions does the monitor (screen) offer?
How do I connect the camera to the app?
Before adding a camera, turn it on (hold the power button for 5 seconds and release it when you hear a beep).
Make sure you are using the correct application to add a camera.
First, connect your phone to your Wi-Fi (make sure it is a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, as most errors in adding cameras are due to selecting 5 GHz Wi-Fi). To determine the Wi-Fi frequency band, please read the question "How can you determine 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi".
Carefully check if the Wi-Fi name and password you selected are correct.
Modern enterprise-level routers have many restrictions and highly secure firewalls that prevent connection with most smart products.
Reset the camera (hold the reset button for 5 seconds while the camera is on, then release the reset button), restart the router (unplug the router's power supply from the socket and then plug it back in), and strictly follow the steps in the manual to add a camera before attempting to add it again.
How can you determine 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi?
Only dual-frequency routers support both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi and transmit two separate Wi-Fi signals. Mixed or single-frequency routers do not support this.
Most router brands offer two standard WLAN names, such as xxxx and xxxx-5G. The former is usually the 2.4 GHz WLAN.
If you cannot determine the frequency, you can access the system settings of your router to obtain detailed information.
When I add a camera, there is no response when scanning the QR code on the phone display.
The camera beeps when the scanning process is completed.
Make sure to scan the QR code when the camera indicator light blinks slowly in red (about once per second).
Keep the mobile phone display 15-20 cm away from the camera lens when scanning the code. Try different angles and distances.
Make sure not to cover the QR code on the mobile phone display with your fingers and ensure that the QR code is fully visible.
If none of the above methods work, please contact our customer service for assistance.
Why can't I load the live screen?
The indicator light is off: This means that the camera is turned off. Remove the camera and charge it with a 5V AC adapter before turning it on.
The indicator light is blinking red: Please reset the camera (hold down the reset button for 5 seconds while the camera is turned on, and release it when prompted) and then add the camera to the application.
Unstable WiFi network: An unstable WiFi network can cause the camera to not function properly. Move the camera closer to the router, restart the router, and try again.
Problem still persists: If you have tried the above methods and the problem still persists, please contact customer service for assistance.
Why is the camera offline/stuck/delayed?
Wenn die Kamera kein stabiles WLAN-Signal empfangen kann, kann es zu Anomalien bei der Übertragung von Videoströmen kommen.
1. Restart the router: Unplug the power adapter from the router and then plug it back in.
2. Restart the camera: Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds to turn off the power indicator, then release the power button. Press and hold the power button again for 5 seconds and release it when you hear a beep.
3. Adjust the image sharpness: Change the image sharpness to AUTO or SD in the app.
4. Move the camera closer: We recommend bringing the camera closer to the router or installing a signal booster between the router and the camera.
5. Kontaktieren Sie den Kundendienst: Wenn keine der oben genannten Maßnahmen wirksam ist, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Kundendienst für Unterstützung.
Why is the tone of the intercom irregular?
Please check the network signal, as a poor camera or phone network can cause the sound to drop out.
Does the app also work without WiFi?
No, you can only connect with the app when you are connected to Wi-Fi. However, no Wi-Fi is required for the pairing between the camera and the monitor.
How can you change the WiFi?
Delete the camera in the app and add it back via the WLAN to be replaced.
Movement/ Alarms
Why does the camera not have alarm recording?
1. Es wird empfohlen, die Kamera in einer Höhe von 2-3 Metern zu einzurichten und sie um etwa 15 Grad nach unten zu neigen, um einen optimalen Bewegungserkennungsbereich zu erhalten.
2. Motion detection has its limits and cannot reliably detect objects at a distance of more than 8 meters from the camera.
3. Avoid setting up the camera in tight spaces as this can significantly reduce the motion detection range.
4. Make sure that motion detection is enabled in the camera settings.
5. Adjust the sensitivity of motion detection manually if necessary.
6. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Personenerkennung für die Erkennung von Tieren, Fahrzeugen und anderen Objekten deaktiviert ist.
Why are no moving objects visible in the video, but you receive frequent push alarms?
Die Bewegungserkennung wird möglicherweise fälschlicherweise ausgelöst, weil sich Objekte im Erkennungsbereich befinden, die gelegentlich den Alarm auslösen. Sie können die folgenden Lösungen ausprobieren:
1. Set up the camera away from road edges or busy areas.
2. Avoid pointing the camera at heat sources such as air conditioners.
3. Avoid direct sunlight falling on the camera lens.
4. Adjust the detection sensitivity to reduce the detection range of the camera.
5. Passen Sie die Einstellung 'Alarmintervall' an, um ständige Alarme zu vermeiden.
Why is there a delay in recording?
Wenn eine Bewegung erkannt wird, wacht die Kamera auf, erkennt das Objekt und beginnt dann mit der Aufnahme. Sie können die folgenden Methoden ausprobieren, um die Verzögerung zu verringern:
1. Increase the "detection sensitivity" and expand the detection range.
2. Disable the "detection of human outlines" to increase the camera's response speed.
3. Positionieren Sie die Kamera so weit wie möglich in Richtung eines offenen Bereichs, um den Erfassungsbereich zu vergrößern.
Why can't the cameras recognize animals or vehicles?
Please try to disable "Human Form Recognition" so that objects such as animals and vehicles can be detected.
Why can't my phone receive alarm notifications?
If motion detection is working but you are not receiving alarm notifications, check if push notifications are enabled and make sure that the app has the necessary permissions.
Why is the image material blurred and unclear?
1. Passen Sie die Bildschärfe manuell in den App-Einstellungen an.
2. In case of unstable network conditions, the video clarity can automatically adjust to the stability of the camera.
3. Vermeiden Sie es, die Kameralinse direkt dem Sonnenlicht auszusetzen.
Why is the image blurry and unclear?
1. Die Oberfläche des Objektivs ist möglicherweise verschmutzt; reinigen Sie sie bitte manuell.
2. Möglicherweise beschlägt das Objektiv von innen. Versuchen Sie, die Kamera ein paar Tage lang in eine gut belüftete und trockene Umgebung zu stellen. Wenn keine Besserung eintritt, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Kundendienst des Herstellers für Unterstützung.
Why is the night vision image dark?
The camera may not have automatically turned on the IR light. Make sure that the image setting is set to Auto or Night mode.
Why are the black and white pictures sometimes bright at night?
Make sure that there are no obstacles or walls within a radius of 2 meters around the camera, as infrared rays can be reflected and cause overexposure. Please adjust the position of the camera accordingly.
How do you turn off the indicator light for operation?
Go to the preview page of the camera, go to "Settings" and find the switch "Operating indicator light" to turn it off.
Why can't the camera be charged?
Wenn die Leuchte nach dem Anschließen der Kamera an das Stromnetz ausgeschaltet bleibt:
1. Make sure that the power supply and power cable are functioning properly.
2. Make sure that there are no issues with the camera's charging interface.
3. Try using a different adapter and restart the charging process. 4. wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie sich an Ihr Service-Zentrum, um Unterstützung zu erhalten.
Why is there no sound on the real-time screen?
Die Fähigkeit des Mikrofons, Ton aufzunehmen, kann durch seine Größe und Entfernung beeinflusst werden. Wenn der Geräuschpegel unter 55 dB liegt, wird er möglicherweise nicht erkannt. Überprüfen Sie außerdem den Status des Horn-Icons in der unteren linken Ecke des Echtzeitbildschirms.
Sie können auch die Lautstärke von Mikrofon und Lautsprecher einstellen: Gehen Sie zum Startbildschirm der App > Mein > Einstellungen > Intercom-Einstellungen > Wählen Sie Ihr Gerät aus, um Einstellungen vorzunehmen. Mikrofon: Die Kamera nimmt den Ton auf und sendet ihn an die App. Lautsprecher: Die Kamera gibt den Ton aus der App wieder.
How can you adjust the volume of the camera speaker?
Navigate to APP Home - Meine - Einstellungen - Gegensprechanlagen-Einstellungen: Adjust the microphone and speaker volume.
Why is there no sound coming from the alarm and intercom?
Please make sure that the speakers and microphone are enabled in the 'Sound settings'. If the problems persist after activating these settings, please contact customer service for assistance.
How can you rotate the screen 180 degrees?
During camera preview, call "Settings", navigate to "Image settings", and select "Rotate screen" to rotate the screen.
How can you pair the camera and the monitor?
Die Kamera und der Monitor sind werkseitig gebunden und werden nach dem Einschalten automatisch gekoppelt. Wenn sie nicht automatisch gekoppelt werden, führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus:
1. Connect the camera to the power supply.
2. Press and hold the pairing button (intercom button) on the camera housing until you hear a beep, then release it and wait for the display to flash red.
3. Turn on the monitor, navigate to Menu → Settings → Camera.
4. Press the OK button. The monitor and camera will be automatically paired, and a "✔" symbol will appear on the monitor to indicate successful pairing.
5. Kehren Sie zur Startseite zurück, um den Bildschirm zu betrachten.
Why are the camera and monitor not connected or showing a poor signal?
Please disconnect the connection between the camera and the screen and then reconnect them. If the problem is not resolved, you can contact customer service for assistance.